The World As An Ashtray

An ash-stand is a useful household item, which can be needed accordingly often in daily use. Frequently used items have one disadvantage, however: they must be kept nearby and cleaned regularly. Thats exactly where the ash-stand slave stands out from the classic ash-stand. The ash-pot slave comes to the mistress and not the other way around. If he only sees her look wandering to the cigarette box, he is there. This becomes a routine, an implicitness, even the existence of the slave. He feels, sees, hears, smells and tastes the world as an ash-stand. He hears the regular, elegant exhaling of the mistress, sees how the smoke covers his face and brings tears to his eyes. The advantages of using an ashtray slave instead of a classic ashtray are numerous and concise. It is quite possible that in a not too distant future all ashtrays will be replaced by ashtray slaves and the ladies will nostalgically remember a time when they actually had to ash into objects that had to be carried around and cleaned, with their cigarette over the mouth of the slave.